10 Best Places to Experience The Real Africa | Best Places to Visit in Africa 2021

The African continent is one of the world's most mesmerizing destinations. There are so many diverse adventures to be had on this amazing continent. The continent is home to more than 50 different countries that, it is hard to narrow them down for a best places list, but we have tried here. Whether you are looking to explore vibrant cities like Cape Town, Cairo, and Marrakesh or hoping to see the continent's wildlife on a safari in Kenya, South Africa, or Tanzania, there is no shortage of things to do for travelers of all types.
The African continent is also home to some stunning natural attractions like The Victoria Falls, which straddles the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia and is often described as one of the seven natural wonders of the world. You’ll find soaring mountain peaks like Tanzania's Mount Kilimanjaro, which at more than 19,000 feet, is Africa's highest mountain.
Oh and then, there are the beaches. With thousands of miles of coastline, you'll find warm, turquoise-hued waters and white sand beaches on mystical islands like Zanzibar off the coast of Tanzania and the Bazaruto Archipelago off the coast of Mozambique on Africa's eastern coastline.
Wherever you wander in Africa, we promise you'll leave with a new appreciation for the magic of this culturally rich, vibrantly colored, and welcoming continent that will have you wanting to return over and over. Starting from the 10th all the way up to the most beautiful African destination you might wanna explore, here is positive Africa’s compilation of the top 10 most beautiful places to visit in Africa right now and beyond.
#VisitAfrica #AfricanBestPlaces
Source: https://www.planetware.com

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top 10 african countries to visit, top 10 african countries, top 10 best countries in africa
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